Westminster Presbyterian Church of Corsicana
Westminster Presbyterian Church of Corsicana is a PCUSA congregation
Mission/Vision Statement: Living and Growing In Gratitude for God’s Love, Grace, and Mercy
Our sanctuary is open for in person attendance for 11:00 am Worship on Sunday mornings.
Adult Sunday School begins at 10AM in the Parlor
Worship Services are livestreamed to our Facebook page and uploaded to YouTube
Click below to join our Sunday service online.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westminsterpresbyterianchurchofcorsicana/live/
YouTube: Worship
Follow on Instagram!
Mission/Vision Statement: Living and Growing In Gratitude for God’s Love, Grace, and Mercy
Our sanctuary is open for in person attendance for 11:00 am Worship on Sunday mornings.
Adult Sunday School begins at 10AM in the Parlor
Worship Services are livestreamed to our Facebook page and uploaded to YouTube
Click below to join our Sunday service online.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westminsterpresbyterianchurchofcorsicana/live/
YouTube: Worship
Follow on Instagram!